
Assault On The Senses At Disneyland    Tony Williams

The cannon fires
I close both eyes
we careen side to side
there was not a cloud in the sky
no birds dare fly
it's all in fun
This time no one dies


Lightning flash across the sky--the clouds are angry - Stuart Koretz


Lightning flash across the sky
Silver clouds begin to cry
Nature is loosing its beauty to fire
- Oliver Klink


Lightning Fills the Sky - Bill Jackson

"Lightning fills the sky,
 Rain pours through the damaged walls,
 My house begins to sink."


Time & Ice I

Time & Ice I
Bruce Beron

Iceland Ice Beach - Ice, Wave & Setting Moon (and gulls)


Gulls Flocking Around Haystack Rock 
Cannon Beach, OR, Spring, 2014
Tony Williams

Black & White Magazine, Single Image Spotlight Selection, October, 2019